The Djembe Font FAQ Support Page

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If you´re experiencing any problems when downloading, installing or using the
Djembe Font, please look at this page first. If you do not find the solution to your
problem on this page, describe the problem in an e-mail to:

Your problem and - hopefully - the solution will then be published below:

The H key doesn´t produce a high bell note! [1999-09-30]

"The H key and the J key don´t seem to be updated in version 4.4. When
I press the J key I get a bass note instead of a tone shuffle note and when
I press the H key I get the tone shuffle note instead of the high bell note."

This error is taken care of in version 4.5 of the Djembe Font. This bug was due
to pure negligence on my part. I simply forgot to change it in version 4.4.

What to do with leading blanks on the web? [1999-10-15]

"When I publish Djembe Font notation on a web page, all leading blanks
disappear when I look at the page in my browser. What can I do about it?"

There are two ways to solve this problem. The first way is to use the HTML code
for non-breaking space ( ) instead of just pressing the space bar. Another
way is to use the new "blank/non-breaking space" key [ | ] that was introduced
in version 4.5 of the Djembe Font.

How do I tell what font version I´m using ? [1999-10-15]

"I´m not sure I have installed the latest Djembe Font version. How do I
know what version I am using?"

Pressing the [#] key while using the Djembe Font in a word processor will
produce the version number you are asking for. In Notation Playback, simply
click the About item on the Help menu to obtain the same information.



© Copyright 2000 Lennart Hallström, Glasbruksvägen 57, SE-361 94 Eriksmåla, Sweden
Phone +46-(0)8-612 17 82  ·  ·  Cell +46-(0)70-725 42 63

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