How do I copy the
notation of a rhythm to the clipboard?
LH: On each notation page, there is
a button at the bottom that reads "Import Rhythm
to NP". Pushing this button will open a page containing
all the notation data in ASCII
format along with the instructions you need to copy it all
to the clipboard.
Is your web-site
exclusively for PCs, or does it work with Apple? And if it does
, what am I doing wrong? I get no sound!
LH: The coding I use is very straightforward
and is supposed to work on all platforms. However,
since I don´t have access to a Mac, I can´t know
for sure if it actually does.
If you know of any Mac user who has no problems with the online
playback sound,
please let me know. I´m at a loss here!
I can´t play
back long breaks - playback stops after the first line!
LH: Yes, the online playback feature
is currently limited to playing back two-line parts. This
is partly due to the complexity involved in playing back more
lines, but it is also because of the copyright issue regarding
long breaks and solo phrases: I don´t want to encourage
publishing of notation that might fall under copyright laws.
(See the copyright information on the NP
Rhythm Exchange page.)
Why can´t I upload NP Export files to the NP Rhythm Exchange?
LH: The new Copy and Paste Export
option in version 2.2 of Notation Playback will make it so
much easier to contribute to the Rhythm Exchange - there are
no files involved at all!
(Go to the NP Download Page to
upgrade your program.)