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Server Hosted African Rhythm Exchange


Cultural Context

Sound Samples


R Clark (editor)

WAP (sn2)



Note! Many of the above references have moved to new locations:
R Clark , M Wall / Cross Reference , WAP , Djembe Boom , ADR

The notation for this rhythm may consist of parts, signals, breaks and solos.
You are welcome to add anything that makes this notation more complete!

You are also welcome to suggest additional links for the external resource section above!

Djembe tt-bs-s-s--bs-s-
Djembe s--ss-tts--ss-tt

This rhythm is found at the WAP site (linked above) along with some bass parts and solo elements.
Lennart Hallstrom, Sweden <lennart.hallstrom@djembe.net>
Visit my website at: www.djembe.net

(The above notation is the lastest entry!)

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